Yearly Archives: 2018

So, I thought it would be nice to accompany some ideas along with whatever fiction I post. I used to do it inside of the story posts before, but maybe it’s better to actually separate them to save me the trouble of creating a page for the story for archive purposes. So, for some reason, I really don’t have any real ideas why Jean Clarke Oliver has always been one of those little weird characters that sticks forever in my head. I’ve written scenes and other stories about him or related to him. I guess there’s just something cool about a little robot who is somehow conscious. Now, this last post, “Star,” feels a lot more like the beginning of a longer story, which is usually my issue. I’m absolutely terrible at writing self-contained short fiction, and it’s one of the skills I’m going to try to develop here. It’s […]

on Star and others

A few years ago, before my MFA, I decided to take on a challenge. I wanted to write something every day. The goal was two-fold. I wanted to write for my website in order to get myself “out there” as some people put it. But more specifically, I wanted to improve as a writer. This kind of reminded me of one of my classes, where my professor explained one of the most valuable lessons in my MFA. I had just had my workshop, and I was about to close my notebook where I had taken notes when my professor saw the two pages worth of notes I had taken. They weren’t just any notes though. See, I write extremely small, and it was a regular letter-sized notebook. I had crammed a ridiculous amount of words into the page because I wanted to make the best out of the workshop, as […]

The Future