
The other day I wrote all about Writing Discipline, which seriously has me thinking more and more about the future of this site. I really want to create that. That’s why I changed that tagline to join me in my journey. And, it’s also why this site is called Raven’s Apotheosis. I want to show my personal journey forward as I make it out there as a writer. In a way, this place is all about me becoming an author.

That’s why this is a little unorthodox. This is not about me. Instead, I want to talk about this kid I met in high school that inspires me.

Back in 11th grade, my friends initially met as the group we would end up being for the next decade. Originally, we were the weird rejects that played Yu-Gi-Oh in front of the band room. And no, it wasn’t as sad as it sounds. That group was actually pretty large. I want to say that there were at least 20 or more kids on any given day playing that there, or doing some other nerd activity. There, I met my friends, and we started hanging out for other reasons besides the card game.

Time went on, and the large group dispersed. Our small group moved to the back of the band room, where we just relaxed, joked, and played other things. There, one of the kids in the group, didn’t always join us. He was more like the cool dude who sat on the side and just joined us for laughs. For the most part, if he wasn’t talking to us, he listened to music or worked on his comic. I don’t think I ever mentioned it to him, but I always found that extremely awesome. You see, I’d always wanted to work on a comic, but my drawing capabilities end at doodling on my class notes. So, I looked up to him for that and for his determination.

On top of that, when you actually looked at his comic, it went on for pages. It wasn’t just some little high school project as you’d expect. It actually had characters and amazing art. It was, what I now call, a true portfolio of his work. And, though I had not really read it back then, now I know it was amazing.

That comic, to me, is what discipline and consistency look like. He worked on it, and he didn’t give up. He kept on going. Now, that kid, Israel Castro, has a website and publishes his webcomic Norembridge there. Once more, doing something I wish I could do. I can only wish for a level of discipline like that. So, check out Israel’s work Norembridge if you’d like to read something good at! He has an amazing art style and a crazy psychological story that begs to be read.


Artwork created by Israel Castro