I’ll be sincere, this suit was a little bit harder to create than any of the others. And though I don’t mean to sound snobbish or like one of those “enlightened” folks, I admit I am not into the whole physicality of the world.
Money and wealth comes and goes, but other things, the important ones remains. This thought, one of the many philosophies I follow, sort of made writing about that harder than I expected. If I compare it to the other suits, this might be the one I am the least connected to.
The first suit, the suit of wands represents creativity and will, both things that a writer requires in order to function. So the connection is obvious.
The suit of swords feeds on my love for science fiction and general sciences, so that was easy for me to write. Hell, I went nuts with that one.
And the suit of cups represents emotion, love, and spirituality. Now, I might hate to admit it, but I do tend to fall under the cancer stereotype (I mean cancer in the astrology sense). I love water, tend to cherish feelings above other things, and–though at this moment of my life I am agnostic–I want to believe in spirituality, one of the many reasons I am working of the tarot.
Which sends me back to this suit, the suit of pentacles, the one about money and merchants. It is all about physical goods, something I am just not very connected to. So it was hard. Regardless, I think there are some really cool stories on this one. Many of them turned out to be some of my favorites. So go ahead and check them out. I know you might enjoy many of them too.